Monday, July 9, 2012


                Scotland, it is beautiful and full of nice sights. There are a lot of places to enjoy the scenery, go hiking, and just learn a bit of history. They even have the Harry Potter Bridge. This is a small tour of Scotland, just not as good as the real thing.

                There are a lot of places to hike, such as the Grey Mare’s Tail, or Ben Nevis. It has a lot of beautiful scenery, such as at the end of the Grey Mare’s Tail, there is a beautiful lake at the end. This is because the Grey Mare’s Tail is actually a 200 foot waterfall, and at the end, is the beginning source. The Grey Mare’s Tail is the perfect place to get some exercise because of the terrain. There are a lot of ups and downs in the Grey Mare’s Tail. As well, Ben Nevis is a place to hike, not as good though because there is a lift that takes you up, and only leaves you with a small distance to walk. Ben Nevis is the biggest mountain in the British Isles standing 4 409 feet above sea level. If you choose to hike in Scotland, there are many places to go, and you better be sure to bring a walking stick.

                The castles in Scotland are amazing, and full of history of Scotland. There is one dedicated towards William Wallace, the great hero of Scotland. It is all about him, his childhood, the wars he fought in, he was a true hero, and it is definitely something to see. As well, the castle of Edinburgh is a definite place to go to.  There are a lot of things to see such as the armor of the knights in shining armor, or perhaps the king’s dorm. They also have special guests come in and pretend to be perhaps a comrade. At night, once a year, there an event called the Tattoo Festival. That will be explained later. There are many castles and monuments to see in Scotland, and they are definitely things to see.

                There are many events in Scotland to see, like earlier, the Tattoo Festival was mentioned. The Tattoo Festival is not actually about tattoos, it is actually a music festival. People from various countries come to Scotland in Edinburgh to show off their musical skills, and a lot of them are quite amazing, and it should be on every bodies “list of things to do before I die”. If someone wants to make money on a rainy day, they get paid to dry a chair (or something along that line), although you only get paid to dollars to do it.

                The music is wonderful, and it is easily accessible (buy it, download from iTunes, etc.) It should be quite obvious that one of the most known instruments in the world comes from Scotland, and it is known as the bagpipes. The bag pipes are actually just one instrument. They make a low pitched sound when you start them, then when you begin to play, another sound comes in, except for the fact that the pitch is a lot higher. This is called highland music. Maybe there will be a singer involved, perhaps English. If the singer is not singing in English, then he has to be singing in Gaelic. There are different types of Gaelic though.

There is nice food and drinks in Scotland that is very hard to find. An example of food is haggis.  The main ingredients of this delicious food is sheep’s heart, liver, lungs, and stomach, onion, oatmeal, suet, and spices. When haggis is cooked just right, it is crispy and delicious. As well, a drink is Irn Bru. Yes it is spelled exactly like that, no errors. Irn Bru is an orange drink that is sweet at first, but as you drink it only gets better. When at its best, Irn Bru tastes delicious. In fact, in Scotland, Irn Bru is so popular that they actually made ice cream out of it. Trying the food and drinks is a must.

One of the most popular legends of all history was forged in Scotland: the lochness monster. The lochness monster has a specific lake (in Scotland it is called a loch) that it is rumored to live in. When looked at closely, people claim to have seen its shape.  When continued to go down, there is a gift shop full of merchandise to buy. Coffee mugs, chocolate (they call them pellets), and a lot of other things that are nice, and are definitely tempting to buy.      

Fishing, is as well a must (yes, there are a lot of musts in Scotland, it is that good.) Grab a fishing rod, and head down to a lake and catch fish. If a big one is caught, bring it down to the store and see if it is bigger than the one displayed at the shop. If it is, take pride in it, maybe even brag to some people. Fishing can earn money because maybe it can be sold it to some people (if the cops do not notice). Perhaps lodging can be added in to fishing so that the lake is closer, so there is not as far of a walk (or drive, as it saves gas. Less gas consumed equals more money saved, and what could be better? Actually a lot but disregard what was just said.)

So now, the tour is finished, and more of Scotland is known. It should be looked at as a wonderful place, and added into a lot of “Dream Vacations) lists. Scotland has a lot of trees, and a little pollution. The food, the events, the places to go, the things to do are incredible, and when someone has experienced Scotland, it is definite that they will say “Oh my god this was really great!” and start spreading it to all of their friends. Perhaps if lucky they will get to experience the Tattoo Festival. Scotland will become a wonderful memory that will never be forgotten.


1 comment:

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed your essay on Scotland, Kenaan. Maybe you should work for the Scottish tourist board.
