It is one of the most dreaded years, the year that is said to end everything on the planet earth: 2012. But of course it isn’t the year, it is global warming. Yes it is bad, but forget the great flood that is supposed to happen, and just look on the bright side, there are some good things to look forward to about global warming.
Global warming, in a lot of people’s opinions (such as teachers, and me) is real. It has a lot of evidence to prove that it actually is real. Such as in Canada the temperatures are hitting around 30 degrees and all that. In fact sometimes it is put on the weather forecast that it is going to feel like 40 degrees when it actually is 30. Global warming also has other effects such as the fact that people burned more easily now which is not good (every heard that the sun is what makes people wrinkly when they are older?). It is also believable that it is caused by humans because people do litter, and cut down forests, people drive cars which creates fumes and so do cigarettes (the main things that are littered) It is extremely evident that there is global warming, but it is very hard to believe that the Mayans predicted that the world would end on the 21st of December, and couldn’t it have been a few days after Christmas instead of before? Everyone does enjoy Christmas.
Sure it will possibly kill everybody, but it also keeps everyone warm. There is probably less snow in the world than there used to be, especially in winter. Yes it is also bad in way though, with every up, comes a down. Everyone may get heated, and there may be less of that dreaded snow, but Antarctica is melting, and that is what is going to cause the great flood. Snow is basically the same thing as water, and when to cold, water turns to ice. Snow is a bunch of flakes of ice, and when it melts it will create water. Now imagine a whole continent of snow being melted into water. No wonder there is going to be a huge flood, right?
Now what is the cause of pollution? Wait I mean global warming darn I just gave away the answer! Where does pollution come from? Fossil fuels (such as the gas from your car), litter (everyone does it at some point), and cutting down forests (Curse lumber-jacks that oh-so willingly cut down forests for money). All three of those weaken the ozone, which allows more sun to pass the atmosphere and shine down on everyone. That is actually pretty much what global warming actually is. Remember this: the three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle! Help save the planet! Have a green thumb (plant trees), do not litter, definitely do not smoke (for health and environmental reasons and try to stop lumberjacks from cutting precious forests. Tick tock the clock is ticking, each second wasted is a second closer to what could be doomsday. Now though it destroys the ozone, it also gets everyone more sun, so if anyone wants a nice tan, well then go outside and get some because there is more than there would have been without global warming. Once again, with every up comes a down (except this time it is inverted!)
With global warming, more children are allowed to go outside and play with their friends, whether it be hockey, soccer, American football, or (a personal favourite) swimming in the backyard pool. Instead of rain there is shine, which is great for everybody because now they get to outside to chat with friends, play games, or just sit down and enjoy a nice quiet afternoon staring at the sky. Perhaps a picnic would be nice for a change. Pack those wooden baskets, get that table cloth, and go outside to eat some of those classic sandwiches.
Weeds cause it (in a way). Weeds are known for choking plants, and usually killing them (if not removed from the ground). This is why people need to start picking their weeds, because if they don’t, there is going to be a huge issue of plant shortages on a nice little planet called earth. If not, the rivers will rise, pandemics will break loose, humanity will be wiped off the face of this universe. Fortunately that is probably not going to happen, and pray to god because anything is possible right? Weeds can also look nice though; there are some that can be mistaken for a flower (which is both good and bad). Weeds can help make gardens look nicer, which will definitely put a good impression on people such as friends, neighbours, and bosses.
Finally, is the great flood believable? Very. Mankind is digging its own grave, and it is doing it willingly. One of the main causes is laziness. People do not want to waste any energy to throw out some paper in the recycle bin, so they throw it in the garbage. This is a whole paragraph on landfills. Landfills take up a certain amount of space, and they are rapidly being filled because people do not finish their dinner, they throw anything unwanted in the garbage even if it can be recycled, and instead of selling that thing, they think it is too much trouble and they would rather sit down and watch TV or play Call of Duty whether it be on the Xbox 360, Wii, or PlayStation3. So lumberjacks cut down trees in order to make space for landfills (or houses including using the wood as resources, or dump garbage in the river (water pollution which kills fish).
So now everyone who was smart enough to read this knows the good side of global warming, and the bad side. Remember this: With every up comes a down, and with every down, comes an up. When life gets anyone down, they will be repaid because it is like Newton’s third law of motion: With every reaction comes an equal and opposite reaction. Think about what one person can do to help the earth, and the examples of what they can do in order to help. One final quote: Just one flap of a butterfly wing can create a whole tornado.